History of ESSIAC® Tea

ESSIAC® is an herbal tea formula that has been in use since 1922. The formula was given to nurse Rene Caisse from a Canadian Ojibwa Indian. Born inNurse Bracebridge, Ontario, Nurse Caisse prepared her original herbal formula into a drink named Essiac tea, which is Nurse Caisse's name spelled backwards.

From 1922 to 1978, Nurse Caisse gave her Essiac herbal supplement to thousands of people at her clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada. Although she refused payments for her services, she accepOld Ladyted donations to help support her clinic. Nurse Caisse dedicated her life to using the Essiac tea formula.

In 1977, Nurse Caisse signed over all her rights to the original Essiac tea formula to Resperin Corporation Limited. Dr. Charles Brusch of Cambridge, Massachusetts, witnessed the signing of the agreement between Rene Caisse and Resperin attesting that her original herbal formula was never revealed to anyone other than to Resperin. To view the agreement, click here.


Resperin gave her the assurance that she sought, namely, that Essiac be produced and distributed for the benefit of all. On May 29th, 1995, Resperin transferred the rights to ESSIAC® and the corporation was voluntarily dissolved. Essiac Products Inc. owned and manufactured the ESSIAC® herbal formula which was distributed through Essiac Canada International. Today, Essiac Canada International owns the rights to the ESSIAC® formula and exports it worldwide.Statue


Rene Caisse continues to be loved and remembered for her contribution to naturopathic medicine. Bronze sculptures of Nurse Caisse have been dedicated in her memory in Bracebridge and at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto.